Teachers' Material & Summary of Topics

Teachers' Material & Summary of Topics

The teaching material for teachers contains detailed project information that can be used in class.

 Teachers' Material & Summary of Topics

  The teaching material for teachers contains detailed project information that can be used in class: The aim and the concept of the project, tabular project overview, statements to educational standards and the acquisition of competence as well as to time management and methodology.

Summary of Topics

A: Time travel of mankind

Topic Contents Intentions as a basis for realization Time needed / duration
10.000 years ago:
  • Hunters and gatherers
  • New Stone Age
Time travel
  • The Stone Age village
  • The creation of the first "professions"
  • Neolithic Age
Contemporary demands
  • Who was needed for what?
  • Distribution of rolls, dream jobs!?

Issue 1

Two parts, each one hour long

5.000 years ago:
  • Metal, the material of the future
Time travel
  • Villages and Towns
  • Many professions
Contemporary demands
  • Who works where?
  • Dense population, dream jobs!?

Issue 2, two hours long

240 years ago:
  • Steam engines take over the work
Time travel
  • "Factory halls", centralized work world, industrial production
Contemporary demands
  • The challenge "machine":
    Inventor and user, changing of the work world
Contemporary demands:
  • Professions everywhere, relocation of work
Contemporary demands:
  • Jobs, decentralized world of work

B: My interests:

Topic Contents Intentions as a basis for realization Time needed / duration
Exercises at school Studying pays
  • My dream job
My interests and strengths
  • Exploring a dream job: On-site, via internet...Presentation of my dream job
Operational tasks in an enterprise Purchase > Production > Sales
  • Small enterprises
  • Mass production
Demands on the people
  • Working time models
  • Effects on the family life
The world of tomorrow Time travel
  • Demands on the people
  • From dream to profession
Contemporary demands
  • What is needed?
  • Which weaknesses do I want to train, which strengths do I want to develop?
Thoughts on the future:
  • How I can find my dream job and what I can do to find it
Creating a job profile Projection

Issue 1

two hours long

C: Working with Machines

Topic Contents Intentions as a basis for realization Time needed / duration
The consequences of company reorganization Forms of unemployment Seasonal, economic, technological and structural unemployment

Issue 1

two parts, each one hour long

Company organization The works council Consideration of different needs and interests:
  • Employer < > Employee
Visiting an Enterprise [excursion] Visiting a local enterprise with your class Exploring the industrial opportunities, collecting information about work places, possible qualification, requirements and the like  
Operational demands Working conditions
Chances and opportunities at work distribution of rolls (men/women)
Presenting the results Issue 2, in three parts,
1x, two hours long
2x, one hour long + homework
What could my dream job and my future look like? Comparing different professions and their requirements Reflection  

D: You and I

Topic Contents Intentions as a basis for realization Time needed / duration
Exploring the world around you After asking people about their jobs, the results should be analyzed and presented. Getting to know differences, differing between standards and prerequisites

Issue 1

Three hours long

Presenting the world around you Editing the contents of the survey (e. g. diagram) and presenting them Presenting the results

Issue 2

Per question 1 hour long

Presentation 1 hr long

Exploring products Examining different products based on their country of origin, getting to know the production conditions Demands on the employees, examining the working conditions in other countries and comparing them to ours  
Recognizing the dependence of the living environment to a dream job Getting to know the professions of other people and comparing their living and working conditions to ours Reflection  


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